Thursday, June 30, 2011

Going Home

I assume this will be my last post. I only did this blog so my family could track my progress (or lack thereof!). I go home tomorrow. It's surreal. In one sense, this was no big deal. Six weeks out of the Summer compared to the 12-15 months of combat tours our Soldiers have endured puts my menial service in perspective. On the other hand, this was my very first "real" Army experience/training. I've learned so much about the Army, warrior tasks, and myself. In the past six weeks I've pushed my body, mind, and even soul farther than I ever have before. It's hurt. It's felt great. It's been beneficial.

The Chaplain Candidate Program is designed to help young Soldiers discern whether or not the Army is for them. With this mission in mind, Soldiers that decide this is where they should be and Soldiers that decide this is NOT where they're supposed to be are both right. As long as discernment is accomplished, then the mission is successful. For me, I know this is where God has called me. Not all days were rainbow and lollipops; in fact, some days were awful. The Army teaches one to not tolerate weakness in one's self or others. This process is painful. At the same time, God would consistently give me mini-affirmations throughout the day to remind me that this too shall pass and this is where I am to be.

I love the Army. This is not a propaganda attempt, it's the truth. I love the Chaplain Corps. I love being a Soldier. I love being an officer. This job is NOT for everybody and that's fine. For those of us that are called, we'll gladly stand in the breach and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign, and domestic. To God be the glory.

A final cadence to illustrate my point. Typically sang towards the end of a long run when people are beginning to hurt bad.

"Somebody ain't gonna make it!
A weak heart just can't take it!

Somebody ain't gonna make it!
Their weak little bodies can't take it!

Don't let your dog tags dingle in dirt,
Pick up your dog tags and put 'em in your shirt!"

Endurance Course

This week we ran the endurance course. The course is exactly what the title indicates: a test of your endurance. The course consisted of several obstacles through the rolling SC woods. Crawling, climbing, jumping, and sprinting were some of the actions required. At the end, your squad did a 25 yard low crawl through mud. Hooah!

 3rd Platoon after we dominated the course! We're filthy.

Not a great picture of me, but a picture nonetheless. This was towards the end and we were all gassed.

Friday, June 24, 2011


Sorry it's been so long. So busy it's unbelievable. Here are some totally random pictures. Click on the pictures to see a larger view. When they're made smaller you lose some of the detail.

 Class time. I don't really have the best military posture in this pic, but I'm dead tired.

Super important Army meeting stuff.

Part of my 2nd Squad battle buddies. (L to R) LT Graham, LT Combs, LT Kiser, and myself.

Horrifying ladder of death that rewards your willingness to ascend with a terrifying inverted rope slide. Every bit of this scared me. It's approximately 35-40 ft high I'm guessing.

Not my group, but a good picture nonetheless. This was the second scariest thing I had to endure. This is called the "Skyscraper". It's a team event. I think you can see from the picture how it works. You have to make your way to the top by any means necessary. Several scary aspects: the entire tower shakes violently as you move; it's very high; you have to trust your team to pull you up, if they fail, you fall; lastly, you're basically hanging over the edge on your tows.

"The Weaver". I know this phrase is used so much that it's become cliche, but this literally was the scariest physical thing I've ever done. This tower, which shakes as you climb it, is approximately 40 feet straight up. You ascend, cross over the top rung, and then descend. The wood is intentionally unevenly spaced so that you must use different methods to ascend and descend. Some rungs you can simply step up on like a ladder, others require you to literally hang while maneuvering your legs in weird ways to get up/down. I was shaking when I was done. 

Not me, but gives a demonstration of the hell I had to endure. What you can't see from the picture is that your weight carries you down quickly so your arms are exhausted at the end. It's all you can do to hold the rope. Also, notice the platform you begin on in the back of the picture. When you slide off backwards, your body endures a sharp and fast drop. You think you're going to fall to the earth upside down.

Our respective class and platoon guidons.

My battle buddy and good friend LT Brown. He's been fantastic about squaring me away and showing me around Columbia.

Morning formation.

Friday, June 17, 2011


We "graduated" today. Sort of. The IMT (Initial Military Training) phase of our course is complete. This phase's focus was on basic soldiering skills that every soldier needs to have regardless of MOS. They take what Basic Combat Training soldiers learn in 9 weeks and force it down our throats in 4 weeks. And trust me, we get it all (and more) with the exception of weapon training. In the past 4 weeks we've been taught:

  • Day and night land navigation.
  • Movement under fire.
  • Combat first aid including combat casualty assessment.
  • Tactical radio communications.
  • Personnel recovery (what to do if you're captured).
  • Drill and ceremony.
  • JAG and EO briefings.
  • DADT repeal briefings.
  • Mobilization briefing (the ins-and-outs of being deployed)
  • Team development course.
  • Sexual assault and drug abuse briefings.
  • CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, and Nuclear) training...aka the gas chamber.
  • How to handle our Secret clearance and classified materials (all officers have Secret clearance)
  • TONS of ethical training.
  • Overview of important Army documents.
  • Constitutional and legal basis for the Army chaplaincy.
  • Master Resiliency Training
  • Much, much, much, more.
The cadre at this school are top-notch. There's no way we should have been able to cover so much material in such little time so effectively...but we did. One of the key tenets of this portion of the training that I will always take with me is that officers really are held to a higher standard. It's unreal, sometimes, the standard to which we're held. It can even seem unfair. But we make decisions that directly affect the lives of soldiers and we must be of the highest moral integrity and competency. So, while this feels good, there's still more work to do. Tonight we'll drink and be merry because we go back to work  Monday. Evil doesn't sleep and neither do we. Hooah.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Fear can cripple or empower you. We've had a "depressing week" this week in class. We've covered topics such as PTSD, divorce, family relations, suicide, drug abuse, and other harmful and detrimental things our soldiers endure. It scares you. In one sense, I'm happy with my call, my marriage, and where I am in life at this moment. I've wanted to be in the Army since I can remember...literally. Like most things, I've found the Army to be way better and way worse than I had ever imagined. I go home some days feeling as fulfilled as a human can and other days I go home wondering why I'm here.

This week has caused me to ruminate heavily upon my call. What will a military life look like for me? My family? My marriage? Will my wife resent me for being gone? Will my kids? Are we, as a family, prepared to "always place the mission first" as the Soldier's Creed demands? I've never had questions like this until I actually started training. Reality can be horrifying. Many chaplains, yes chaplains, have endured divorces, substance abuse, and even committed suicide over the occupational stress. Take the already over-stressed work of a pastor and tack on the stress of a military career (long deployments, uncertainty about future, the very real possibility of combat death, etc.).

Today, however, I had an epiphany. I had this same sort of epiphany when I started seminary. Satan is a liar and a coward. One of his best techniques is to place doubt or guilt in your mind. "You're a bad husband for being in the military." "Your wife isn't going to put up with this forever." And, "You're not qualified for this. If you were, you wouldn't be having doubts!" These are all lies and in my heart, I know that. The key is convincing your mind. Fear is natural. I don't know where my future will take me. I feel called to Active Duty but there are practically no slots. Will I get an Airborne slot? Will the Army EVER find me a unit to drill with? Real courage isn't the absence of fear, it's the mastery of it. If I know my wife and I have done all we possibly can to prepare ourselves and our children for the rigors and joys of the military, then what more can we do but leave the details to God?

Me, my lady, and kids, always kids. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Field

Sorry it's been so long since I posted, we've been incredibly busy. We spent two days in the field doing a variety of tasks.

Day 1
We did day and night land navigation. We were dropped in the woods with a compass, topographical map, and grid coordinates. Our mission was to find 3 markers. It took us about 1.5 hours but we found each one. Our reward when we returned to the base camp was MRE's (Meals Refused by Ethiopians). They had me constipated for two days. During the afternoon we practiced our warrior tasks that we were to be tested on the next day. Warrior tasks are basic soldiering skills (reading a compass, shooting an azimuth, combat first aid and casualty assesment, and tactical radio operations.) That night, we repeatred the navigation exercise in a different zone in complete darkness. I'm amazed at what I've learned in only three weeks. The average civilian could not navigate the land like I can now. It's amazing.

Day 2
We began with CNN filming us doing movement under fire exercises. With our chaplain assistant helping us, we had to move, crawl, sprint, and dive to different locations while simulated grenades went off about 20 yards away from us (they were incredibly loud and concussive). We were then tested over our warrior tasks (I passed them all because I'm a super soldier). ;) Then we came to the part of my training I've been dying for:   night infiltration course. We were marched to a deep ditch lined with concrete. We leaned against the incline of the ditch and waited for the word. When told to go we climbed over the ditch and was met by live Ma Deuce (M2 .50cal) live rounds firing over our head. We had to crawl for 80 yards around and under barbed wire and other obstacles. I was gassed at the end.

I'm learning that this training is really about making you into a responsible, thoughtful, and initiative-taking adult. The physical side is hard, but it's the mental and emotional that truly stretches you. This is amazing training. I've already changed quite a bit, can't wait to see what the rest holds in store.

 Early morning chow. When eating in the field, the hood of a humvee makes a great table.

 Soft shell.

 Might as well have been rectal plugs.

 Dress right and cover down...even your gear.

Catching some shut-eye after day land nav. We got back quick so we were waiting on the other squads.