Sunday, May 29, 2011

Chapel 1

One our main assignments during CIMT and Phase 1 of our training is to visit 5 chapel services on post and write a report on them. Today, I went to a contemporary service. Oh man was it very different and very similar to my tradition. To save time, I'll list the similarities and differences.


  • The service had a basic flow that began with announcements and ended with a benediction.
  • Music was employed in order to draw believers closer to God through praise.
  • The chapel had pews and a central focal point (projections screen).
  • The chapel, by its very nature, was multi-racial. This is great. A lot of Basic Combat Training soldiers were present. There were blacks, whites, Hispanics, and Asians. Fantastic. It has been said that 1100 on Sunday morning is the most segregated hour in America. The Army, by it's nature, cannot be that way.
  • The music was contemporary. My church typically uses traditional hymns. The musicians were very good so I really enjoyed the music.
  • The worship was more "free-flowing" in the sense that people would shout "Hallelujah!" or "Amen!" while singing. This is of course 'allowed' in my tradition but is seldom done.
  • Communion...oh brother. This single element left a terrible taste in my mouth. It practically ruined an otherwise excellent service for me. The elements of bread and juice were literally set to the side of the chapel on top of a piano that had been covered with black cloth. Communion was voluntary and given after the benediction for a select few that wanted it. The elements were served in small plastic cups with those cardboard wafers. Meanwhile, the band played with their instruments breaking into secular rock and laughing while the rest of the congregation mingled and talked at a normal voice level. No reverence, no silence, no unity. I could write a book on the problems but I won't.
In all, it was a good worship for the most part. Part of this exercise is to step outside your comfort zone: check. We'll see what next week offers.

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