Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Okay, this is just for the family so if you've reached this blog somehow and you're not lucky enough to be biologically related to me, please excuse the inside jokes and possibly poor grammar; I only intend for my family to read this so I'm not putting on airs. I created this blog so you guys can track my progress or lack thereof while at CH-BOLC. Here's what you need to know first:

1. CH-BOLC=Chaplain's Basic Officer Leadership Course.
2. I'm physically at Fort Jackson, SC. It's right outside Columbia, SC so if you want to google it or something have at it.
3. I have no "rank" at school even though I do (make sense?)<<does the question mark go outside of the parenthesis? Anyway, my NCO instructors are in charge at all times even though I technically outrank them. At Army schools you're simply a "candidate". I also have officer instructors that are of a higher rank than I. I say that I do and don't have rank because once the work day is over, I'm a 2LT and people have to salute me and all that jazz.
4. I'm determined to be one of the most "squared away" soldiers here. If I'm going to do this I'm going to be good at it. "Do what you do do well boy" (that's for you Dad). So failure is not an option, unless I fail and then I guess it is what it is.
5. I have my phone and computer. Email, Facebook, or call if you wish but I will only be able to talk to you (if at all) in the evenings. Be mindful that evenings are my "me time" which means I will be watching "Days of Our Lives" from my dorm bathtub (which will no doubt be full of bubbles) know, typical Army stuff.

I think that's it. My posts will probably be sporadic because our schedule is crazy and even though the evenings are "mine", I have homework and papers to write. Plus, some days will just be boring. Also, prayers are appreciated this is a whole new world/culture for me. People are very direct (read: rude) and blunt in this culture. I'm used to coddling people as a minister so this is new to me. Furthermore, I'm used to being my own boss so taking orders is new for me but I like it. I like not having to "think" per se. I go here when I'm told to. I stand here the way I'm told to. I eat, sleep, shower, poop and shave how and when I'm told to. I like it. Here goes nothing.

Pro Deo Et Patria
(For God and Country)

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