Sunday, May 22, 2011

Welcome to the Army

I'm entirely too tired to make a coherent post so I'm just going to bullet point some of the highs and lows of the day including some of my new favorite sayings I'm learning.

1. Delta Airlines sucks compared to Southwest. Southwest is such a friendlier atmosphere.

2. I love the Army.

3. People in the Army are incredibly direct and the entire culture thrives on accountability. You can slide by in other areas of life, not here. You will be caught. You will be punished. It will be embarrassing.

4. We are assigned to platoons in historic divisions. These aren't real of course but they foster unity and pride. I'm in the 3rd Platoon of the 34th Infantry Division "Red Bulls". Hooah.

5. Our platoon leader is a LtCol with years of experience. He looks, talks, and acts like a poster boy for old school Army. He's so much fun/scary. He gets me fired up. Everything he says is with spirit and force. I love him. He's CH Barnett. Our NCO is SFC Townsend. He's terrifying.

6. We have been given strict orders to be "Semper Gumby" (always flexible).

7. SC is the hottest place on the face of the planet and it's not even hot yet supposedly.

8. Never call a SGT "Ma'am". They are to be called "SGT". I learned that today.

9. Our instructors are extremely educated, well spoken, and high speed. I like that. I already have a ton of respect for these people.

10. And finally, it's good to be an officer. My housing is amazing. Pictures below. I will post pics of that actual school and area tomorrow if I get time. Formation is at 0650 (starting late).

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