Friday, May 27, 2011

Ten Isn't Ten

I got dropped today for standing in the wrong place when we "fell in" for formation. I was on the wrong side of the post man (1st squad leader in a line formation). It was my fault and I deserved to do push-ups so I dropped and banged them out. I was told to do 10, but at the United States Army Chaplain Center and School, 'ten' isn't 'ten', it's twelve. Here's why: all chaplains in a unit lead what's known as a UMT (Unit Ministry Team). This consists of the chaplain(s) and the chaplain assistants. Approximately 400 chaplains have given their life in the defense and service of this nation. So, when are told to do ____ amount of push-ups we always do two more than that for the "UMT in the sky". We do one for all the deceased chaplains and one for all the deceased chaplain assistants. Honor runs deep in the United States Army.

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